I bought most of the products for my bathroom remodel at Lowes, including my shower doors. On one of my many subsequent trips to the store, I noticed a mirror that matched my the shower doors - how cool was that? Cool, until I looked at the price - $94.00. Kicker was, I needed 2. That's when my thrifty-self kicked in. I would try to make the same mirror for a fraction of the cost. Below is how I did it.
What you'll need:
Basic frame less mirror. - I purchased mine at Lowes for around $25.00 for a 24"x36"x1/4".
Scotch brand blue painter's tape - I used the one with Edge Lock
Can of Krylon brand clear flat spray paint
Razor or Xacto knife
Straight Edge
Old newspaper (or new, up to you)
Mirror clips - I used metal ones so that it would blend in a bit better. - about $5 at Lowes.
This is the mirror that I saw at Lowes for $94.00 and the matching shower doors.
I practiced on an old mirror that I had lying around, trying a number of different striping tapes from local craft stores. What ended up working best was Scotch brand Blue Painter's Tape.
Cut painter's tape into 2.5" sections. With your straight edge, use your razor knife to cut the tape into random sized strips. Then, place these around each edge of the mirror, spacing them randomly.
Once you have taped off all edges, put a full size piece of tape around the inside edges of the tape - this will make sure that all lines are even. Make sure that your tape is straight.
Tape the newspaper to the inner portion of the mirror to protect it from the paint.
Take the mirror outside and place on a flat surface that is well-ventilated. - I placed mine on a newspaper covered patio table.
Shake spray paint according to can directions. Holding it approximately 6 inches from the mirror, spray in full sweeping motions all around the mirror. Let dry and then remove tape.
This is it for the mirror portion. Now feel free to hang as you wish!
2 of these mirrors will cost less that 1 of the originals! Now that's a deal I can work with.
Happy crafting!